In the past couple of weeks a lot of my friend's have been discussing types.
It stands to reason that everyone's ideal choice of partner varies.
Sorry for stating the BLINDINGLY obvious but in my case it does vary from one week to the next.
This week it's Freida Pinto.

Just look at her.
O M Yes.
So whilst I've spent the last seven days waxing lyrical about all things Trishna. I've had to explain who Frieda is to certain people.
Yes we're on first name terms. Just don't mention Dev Patel.
This led to talking to someone I work with who I must mention are in their late teens. He succinctly described his type in three words. Quirky. 50s. Polka dot.
Now I know what he meant but I was still left somewhat perturbed by the inclusion of polka dot. But as I said his answer was succinct and to the point. Which is what succinct means.
So I took to my phone book and asked a cross section of my friends if they could describe their type in three words what would it be.
It sparked a flurry of...confusion.
Nearly all of them thought I was tricking them into revealing something about themselves that they weren't willing to share. So I begged and pleaded and on some occasions I sang Craig David's seminal classic "What's your flava?" in a bid to inspire them. Incidentally have you noticed how that's being featured on the walkers advert? For shame.
The answers came thick and fast when I promised anonymity. Many of the adjectives described physical attributes. I don't know if this is because I have incredibly shallow friends or if it's the way I worded the question.
When I challenged those who just gave physical attributes they seem unabashed. As if it hadn't occurred to them that personality may be an issue. Case in point Georgia Salpa.
The most popular attribute that wasn't regarding physical appearance was humour. The ladies love a tall good looking man who can make them laugh.
yeah I probably said" What do you mean me?" to several girls during these conversations. Oh how we laughed.
The guys weren't as specific. One person came back with simply "Living, Breathing, Female" Although does that mean she doesn't have to be conscious. Creepy.
Only one person said intelligence. That was a she.
But all in all the female of the species didn't vary that much from the male.
But like I said before perhaps I just have a cross section of vapid friends and I doubt my findings are going to have Oxbridge shaking in their well polished boots.
What I have found though is that the two most popular answers which are attractiveness and humour are incredibly subjective. So in reality I was no closer to finding a common answer. And I doubt just three words would get me any closer. It has given me a bit of leverage though.